Helping Students Grow

Lina Xiao
Owner/ Art Instructor
Having graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in China, Majoring in design, Having been engaged in art teaching and graphic design for more than ten years. Through years of exploration and pursuit of art education work,
Lina cultivates every student's artistic ability and has searched for an art course suitable for themselves, She has assisted a large number of elite students to major high school art schools. Lina has won the Best Art Instructor of the North American Youth Art Competition many times.
毕业四川美术学院设计专业,从事美术教学以及平面视觉设计十余年。通过多年以来对于艺术教育工作的探索和追求,培养每一位学生的艺术思维能力以及寻找适合于自己的美术课程,为各大高中大学艺术院校输送了大量的精英学员。Lina 老师曾多次荣获北美青少年艺术大赛最佳艺术导师。
Rebecca Wang
Art Instructor
Graduated from CAFA IFC, and graduated from Emily Carr University of Art + Design with a Bachelor's degree in Media Arts, and majoring in 3D computer animation. She has a good foundation in art painting and is skilled at sketching and digital painting. She is good at helping students improve their sketching foundation and find their own interest in character sketching.

Andy Liu
Art Portfolio Director
South West University Art Faculty
Professor of the Art Collage of Guizhou University
Andy is our university entrance portfolio director, who help assists students with the ins and outs of their portfolios, He has helped numerous student with their quest for tertiary art education applications
Allison Zhao
Art Design & Social Media Advisor
Graduated from New York University , is a art social media and digital marketing expert, She has extensive digital and television knowledge and experience .

Since opening our doors, we’ve been committed to helping children pursue a artistic experience they love. With our passionate teachers, exceptional staff and a talented student community, we’re confident in the education, guidance and network you will find here.
Tumeke Art Studio is a professional studio provides a unique and highly personalized method of learning, creating an environment to nurture, educate and encourage creative individuals to achieve the highest level of success. We offers students art classes for age 5-18 in creative drawing, painting ,sketch and mixed media.
Our program is designed for students who want to develop and create a great portfolio that helps showcase their artistic skills they have learned through our program.
Browse through our site to learn more about what we have to offer.
Tumeke Art Studio 为更能有效积极的推动艺术教育,促进创新和创意思维,本画室为每一位学生量身定制不同的艺术课程。每一个课段以小班制(6-9)人)专业老师授课,绘画基础知识技法,构图,色彩常识搭配;简笔画课程,彩色铅笔,油画棒,素描,速写,丙烯艺术,油画,水彩,艺术材料综合运用等。在我们的课堂中,学生有机会思考,探索,开发属于自己的艺术风格。 同时也为部分学生准备艺术高中以及各大院校申请,作品集规划,99%申请率成功案例均到罗德岛RISD, 帕森斯设计学院 PARSONS, OCAD University 安大略艺术学院,伦敦艺术学院LCF, EMILY CARR University, LORD BYNG Secondary School 等各大艺术院校并收获奖学金。

Through this class I've had the opportunity to use a variety of art media, and learn about their basics, and techniques. I am now able to utilise and apply these fundamentals to the materials I use for art. I've also had the chance to apply the skills I've learned in this class to my art class in school, where there wouldn't be the availability to use such a diverse range of mediums.
Shine ( Student 13yrs old )
Lina has been teaching me since I was four, and she makes drawing fun. I have learned a lot from her over the years. Thank you so much for helping and teaching me!
Helena ( Student 11 yrs old )
Lisa ( Parent )
Hi my name is Vian and I attend drawing class at Tumeke Art Studio. I began to taking class there about a year ago. I enjoy learning from there because you get to pick what drawing and type of fine arts you want to learn. They provide every art supplies for the desired art piece. I have developed many different skills and techniques at the art studio!
Vian ( Student 11 yrs old )
I have been drawing and doing art for 9 years, and I kept changing art teachers non stop the whole time. But ever since I’ve met Lina, I realized art is not only just waving whatever you are using to draw across the paper or canvas, but it also requires lots of techniques and thinking, which I never thought shot until I met Lina. Also, Lina’s art skills is unlike anyone else I’ve met. She is so talented and kind that I can’t explain it in words. She taught me so many things in my one and a half year with her that I would look back and say WoW I is that even me one and a half years ago? But no matter how much I think about it, Lina has a lot more to teach me. Which is why I’ve decided to stay at大教室 until university or adulthood. I also have other reason why I’m staying, and that is Jason. He taught me things like still live sketch and photoshop. Without him, I wouldn’t even know that photoshop existed! Which is why I’ve decided to stay at大教室 for many more years.
Bruce ( Student 12 yrs old )
儿子三岁开始学画画 一路上不断换老师。慢慢的换老师已经成了他的习惯 。画画也成了他的习惯。 直到遇上了lina老师 。我们决定留下了 ,一直停在大教室这个温暖又充满激情的港湾了。lina 老师给孩子的不只是画画的技巧 ,而是对完美的追求 ,一次又一次的更改甚至重画 。对艺术的向往 。上美术课已经不是儿子的习惯而是他的渴望。去那里都会带上他的笔和本子 而不是电子产品。 可以最直接地说大教室改变了我儿子。还有jason 老师像大哥哥一样陪着儿子步入青春期 电脑课程为儿子以后的创作打下了坚实基础。